Saturday, February 27, 2010

You Can't Do That

It's been a very eventful week to say the least. I meant to blog about something that happen a few days ago but never got a chance to. So anyway ... I was in the locker room of the gym after completing a workout session a few days ago. I was justa minding my business, getting dressed as I was bumpin the sounds coming from my headphones. Out of nowhere ... this just out the shower, big, tall, hairy, old guy wrapped in a towel walks up to me and proceeds to initiate conversation with me near my locker. Apparently his locker was just beside mine. He goes on to ask me what kind of supplements I take, what he takes and all that jibberish. Now I was already uncomfortable because dude was talking to me wearing just a towel, but when dude went on and figured it was ok and cool for him to take the towel off while talking to me was a no NO. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT ... I politely turned my back, sat down and put my shoes on to gtf outta there. We didn't do the whole public shower thing in the locker rooms at my high school when I was coming up. I never use the shower in the gym and I don't see how anybody else in there does. Showering with other guys?? C'mon man.. But... to eachs own.

In other news ... Work yesterday was pretty laid back. I can honestly say I didn't get a thing accomplished. The day consisted of mostly meetings after lunchtime up until around 4pm so yea ... There goes that.

I went to see The Crazies last night. The movie kinda reminded me of Resident Evil for some reason. I give it 3.75 stars out of 5. Movie had a few comical points that probably weren't meant to be as such but yea ... The ending was pretty typical, but fairly decent.

Friday, February 26, 2010

What Kind of Hypocrisy is This?

Originally this entry was going to be about my whole experiences with people here since I've moved away from the BOOT (Louisiana). About how i left the comforting, social, and calm people in the south to come here to the rudes and know-it-alls of the great northeast (YES Va is a part of the Northeast, not the south). But I decided to make it an open apology & admittance entry instead. It just never ceases to amaze me the way a lot of people around here think I'm such an a-hole and ... maybe I am or can be at times and I do apologize for this but anyway ... here goes.. I had or have this friend whose always giddy giddy gum drop, happy go lucky like ALL the time ... and I must admit that I've been known to be pretty happy go lucky type of guy myself most of the time. Sooo when we're around each other there's a 90% chance one of us is gonna end the day upset at the other for some childish and unexplained reason. My problem is ... I get aggravated & annoyed very easily and I don't feel like playing all the time ... and as a result when she's in the joking mood ... I'm not, when I'm in the joking mood... she's not; and all hell breaks loose. That and the fact that I'm a bit of a hypocrite :-). I'll tell her I don't like this and that (her name calling) and she'll still do it over and over and over and.... well yea, I do my part. At least I'm awesome enough to admit that I"m a hypocrite. All of us are in some way form or fashion. I do apologize though.

That and the fact that people know I'm the type of person with an awesome sense of humor. I like to make people smile, make people happy and such but I get the "You play too much", "You're never serious" complaints A LOT. But the minute I get serious I get the "Why are you so mean?" when in all actuality ... I"m not being mean... I"m just being serious. It's what you asked for right?? SOoo I've decided to stop trying to plz everyone... I'm gonna be me and do as I does. I mean ... why ask for something when u know for a fact you can't handle it?? On another note ... it's kind of hard to express what you're saying or HOW you're saying what you're saying via chat, email, instant messaging and all these other means of communication where there is no possible way that the person on the receiving end can hear the speakers tone of voice. I was having a convo with some one the other day via text messaging and it went a lil something like this convo:

6:22pm (Person): HEY
6:30pm (Person): Javonnnnnnn!!!!
6:40pm (Me) : What
6:41pm (Person): Why you gotta be so mean with it?!
6:42pm (Me) : :-| wtf

Anyway ... As i was sayin ... It is what it is :-). I apologize to the person(s) that I went thru these events with IF they even read this... which is highly unlikely. :-\ Does this make me a bad person??

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cuttin Time!

Those of you who know me know about my obsession with going to the gym and my interest in health and nutrition. Welp ... Today I felt huge ... not a good huge, but an ugh huge. I've gone from an ok 175 lbs up to 210 lbs in a matter of about 2 years since moving here to VA. It's amazing at what eating the right foods at the right times can do for ones own physique. All that good ol chicken, eggs, tuna, fish, sweet potatoes, brown rice, water, and veggies I stuffed myself with day in and day out while eating 5 - 6 times a day really paid off. Sounds pretty dull and boring huh? I agree, but you get used to it. I did it with the concept of gaining the weight (even with some fat gain) to build the muscle; now it's just about that time where I begin my attempt to trim the fat off to show what I've built. That means a few adjustments in the diet, and CARDIO (yuck). No one likes cardio and if you do, then something's wrong with you. But I'ma do this, Ima do it because I can, I do it because I love it, it's my stress reliever, it keeps me sane while I"m here ....

Sooo I predict I'll be spendin the next week and a half or so laying out the diet plan and regimen to start this cutting process with a little help from (that's my spot) of course. We'll see how things go, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated whether u care or not. Times will get rough, but I look forward to it.
If it were easy then everyone would be doing it :). Right?
I don't know much about Ms. DJ Diamond Kuts
(Co-Host on BET's "The Deal") but home-girl could definitely get it

Monday, February 22, 2010

Losing my BLOGGINITY!!

Soooo, here I am sittin here thinking "just what can I or what am I supposed to say in my first blog entry".... hmmm. It appears that my brief intro (Just Blabbin') would have made for a great 1st but o well, so much for that. I am by no means a writer or anything close ... as a matter of fact, I hate writing. We'll see how far this blog thing goes though, perhaps it can serve as a silly little pastime of mine if that's what we so choose to call it. I"ll try my best not to make this a daily diary or anything like that b/c that just wouldn't be cool at all .... wait..... Do males even blog??

I've had the opportunity to browse around on blogspot, wordpress, and the likes just to get some ideas and check out exactly how this
blog deal is done. One thing I noticed that stood out was that .... the pages were BUSY. I mean like really ... these pages were heavily loaded with .gif images, videos, pictures, this that, the other, and the mother. So what I figured I'd do is kind of make it simple ... keep it simple but interesting. My life is pretty boring but I've been known to be an interesting person believe it or not :). I'm sort of a big thinker, I think to myself a lot about random things. This should be a nice means of getting my thoughts, ideas, stories, and interests out there with the idea of getting some feedback. Should be both fun and interesting ... I'll try to keep it up as much as I can so stay tuned but as for now ... it's time for me to get some Zzz's. I got work in like 5 hrs. INSOMNIAAA!!!