Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sick Day

Nothing much to report. Pretty pitiful day ... or past couple days really. I don't even have anything to blog about today that I can think of. I'm only doing this because my bestie got bored with her life and thought that I should entertain her by blogging about mine :).

Sooo today started off pretty bad. Woke up ... took my vitamins/supplements ... hit a lil 15 minute cardio workout and started to feel rather nauseous. I figured maybe it was because I hadn't eaten. I paid it no mind and made my way to work ... and that's when it really hit me. I ended up leaving work to go home, made myself a doctors appointment on the way. Got home ... started playing a lil Call Of Duty on the xbox and before you know it ... I'm feeling better. Went to Wal-Mart to pick up a lil sumn sumn and returned to work only to go to the doctor an hour later. I'd already figured that it was one of my supplements that I was taking that made me nauseous so that was pretty much a waste of a $10 co-pay. Only benefit I got out of that was the weigh-in part; turns out I lost 3 - 4 lbs in a matter of 8 days and I can honestly say that I actually feel it :-\.

In other news ... I started "tweeting", or whatever it is you guys call it. My profile was set up LONG ago, I just never used it basically because I had no knowledge of the useless app and thought that it was pointless. I started out with 107 followers (dont' ask me where they came from). i'm up to like 118 at the moment so if you get a chance to ... follow me on TWITTER. Other than that... I RAWKS Old Navy (just thought I'd add that). But really. I f***s with Old Navy. The majority of my work pants come from Old Navy just because they're that comfy and stylish. I rawked my grey Old Navy pants today with my black and white chucks to work and I was ON if I may say so myself :). The ish is cheap ... I mean it's quality at a real affordable price. Can't wait to see what the spring line up brings. Might have to swing through there this weekend to see what's poppin. With that being said .... I fawks w/ Old Navy and I don't care what you think ... but your feedback is always welcomed.